
Thursday, January 10, 2008

A Mad Italian's Christmas and New Year

Hi There.
I can't believe that it's been almost 2 years since I posted to the blog. Originally, I created the damn thing so that I could come here to bitch and moan about all the wonderful things that happen to me. But, I guess I have been quite busy, so I will update you on what has transpired.

In October of 2005 I left that shit hole travel agency(TQ3 Navigant) I was working at to open my own little Italian Deli. After 5 months of dealing with contractors, advertisers, and the like, Robi's Pizza and Italian Deli opened it's doors on March 21st,2006! It fucking lasted all of 6 months, all the fucking people around there didn't have money to eat!!! I sold the place by the end of November, happy fucking Thanksgiving! Xmas came, Allan and the kids came up from Vegas.

We sold the house in January 2007 to move closer to civilization(Bellevue) and in April I had spinal surgery to relieve 2 herniated disks that most certainly came from straining myself at the pizzeria the year before.

In June I accepted a position at North American Energy Services as Business Travel Manager, I guess it's the position every ambitious corporate travel agent wants to aspire to, you finally get away from feeling like a fucking pee-on trying to keep the unrealistic promises some dumb dunce account manager made to the Travel Manager of the account you are making arrangements for.

Things have been going well with work, and for Xmas, I managed to get away and go to Europe.
Big Mistake, I am having what women would call post partum depression, except mine is Europe separation anxiety. I really miss the place. Granted, Romania(Bucharest) was an eyesore in most places, the people were nice and I spent a most wonderful New Years Eve.
I can't recall in my life when I have been surrounded by so many beautiful women, including the woman who danced the night away with me, Simona! I will never forget her or that night as long as I live. All the ladies were all dressed like women too, no muffin tops, no jeans. Just dresses, nylons, hairdos, makeup, you know, the things that make a lady a lady.

So back to the sadness, I'm still getting used to being back here in the U.S. They are two different worlds, I keep thinking about Simona too, and I wonder if that night meant anything to her. I have a feeling it meant alot more to me than her, that's a shame. And to make things worse it's fucking cold here and the sun does not come out, and I don't even have Simona's email address!

Ok, so the blog has been blogged by my bumbling banter, do I feel better? Not really. But I vented. I hope you don't too bored, see ya soon.